The Sanibel Island Fishing Club (SIFC) will talk about the storm-damaged Sanibel Fishing Pier at its meeting on Feb. 11 at The Community House on Sanibel, and the community is encouraged to come out and learn about the restoration of the storm-damaged Sanibel Fishing Pier.
The meeting will start with a half-hour social set for 6:30 p.m. and this month’s presentation will involve speakers leading a discussion on an initiative to repair the pier for public use, including a grassroots campaign to fund it.
Located on the east end, the pier has been closed since 2022 due to damage from Hurricane Ian.
At the Sanibel City Council’s meeting last month, City Manager Dana Souza reported that staff received initial estimates of $651,190 to repair or $1,232,966 to replace the pier. It was not insured, so the city would have to fund it. Staff did submit the project to FEMA for possible reimbursement.
Souza continued that staff were approached by Sanibel resident and SIFC Vice President Bob Stern, on behalf of a group of islanders, who proposed the idea of them raising private funds to support the pier’s restoration. The city would cover a portion of the project and the fundraising campaign would cover the remaining cost.
If any FEMA funds are received, they will go into a maintenance fund for the pier’s upkeep.
The council voted unanimously 5-0 in support of the public-private partnership to repair the pier.
Stern explained that he and the others were concerned that the pier would be torn down and the island would lose the landmark forever.
“I’m an angler, I have a boat. I live on the water. I’m fortunate. There are a lot of people who don’t have a boat and don’t have a lot of places to fish,” he said. “If the community losses this asset, it will never be rebuilt — because of regulation issues, because of all kinds of reasons.”
At the club meeting, Stern will talk about what has been done to date to help save the pier and why. Owners of businesses, like Whitney’s Bait & Tackle, who reply on the pier as part of their business will share their stories. Attendees will also hear from some contractors on the potential project and cost.
“The whole idea is to engage with the community,” he said. “It’s really starting the process.”
Stern noted that some island organizations, such as the SanCap Chamber and Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, have expressed interest in getting involved with the effort.
“We’re making this a project for the community,” he said.
The group has opened a “Save the Pier” account at Bank of the Islands for donations.
The meeting is free and open to the public, pizza slices and refreshments will be available for a nominal charge and the community is encouraged to attend and get involved.
“This is one of their resources, this is a Sanibel resource,” Stern said. “We need to do everything we can not to lose it.”
For more information, visit
The Community House is at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.
2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.
Here is where you can donate to the fundraising to rebuild and repair the fishing pier. All the donations go to the fund. Thank you for your support, lets make it happen!
We love to fish! We love to learn more about fishing, conservation of our fisheries, and safety in boating and fishing. To that end, we have monthly meetings that feature local experts in these fields. We conduct a few social events each year and have a lot of fun!
We are a not for profit organization. We love to support local organizations that share our passion for clean water, protecting our fisheries and education in the area of fishing. Among those are Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, The Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, Coastal Keepers, Now or Neverglades, Ding Darling Wildlife Society and the Sanibel Sea School.
The Sanibel Island Fishing Club meets monthly through the season and sponsors several group fishing outings.
For information on joining the club contact David Lewis or attend this month's meeting. The Sanibel Island Fishing Club has been an active social club for more than 30 years on Sanibel Island.
To become a member of SIFC and participate in outings, the following membership form and waiver must be completed and fees paid.